080 A four-day week

A Man Relaxing In A Hammock In Nature


The working week should be shorter and workers should have a longer weekend. Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

Recently, some companies in Europe have successfully trialled a four-day working week. As a result, some people now believe this working pattern will become the norm. I think this would be a positive move as the new system is both fairer to workers and more beneficial for employers.

The main reason I think we should adopt a shorter working week is that it would be a just reward for the improvements in productivity that have taken place over the past 50 years. Increased automation has meant that people are much more productive than they were in the past. Despite this, salaries have remained the same. In fact, these days both parents often have to work to maintain the same standard of living that was previously possible on a single salary. One way to address this would be to shorten the working week and allow people to spend more time with their families.

Another reason I am in favour is that there are benefits for businesses as well. Studies have shown that workers who are relaxed and well-rested are actually able to achieve more in a shorter space of time. Staff working four-day weeks can often get as much done as those working longer hours. There are also other benefits beyond simple productivity. Spending less time at work increases staff satisfaction and therefore reduces staff turnover and the associated costs.

In conclusion, I believe there is a strong case to be made in favour of longer weekends as they can both improve people's quality of life and increase efficiency in the workplace.

(265 words)

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