001 Academic decisions

A Man Sitting At A Computer

What to consider when choosing a course. Some university students want to learn about other subjects …

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005 Ad influence

Two Women Window Shopping

Do we buy more than we need? Today, the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the …

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007 Parenting

A Parent And A Childs Hands

Who is responsible for children's behaviour? Some people think parents are responsible for teaching child …

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010 Tourism impact

Plastic Waste On The Beach

Are the problems with tourism being ignored? Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and contrib …

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011 Creative freedom

A Woman Painting A Mural

Should art ever be censored? Creative artists should always be given the freedom to expre …

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014 Lonely pensioners

A Pensioner Sitting On A Bench

Why are pensioners increasingly lonely? In some countries, loneliness and isolation amongst older pe …

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