003 Lazy children

A Teen Playing Video Games

Are today's children lazy? What distinguishes young people from their parents' or grand …

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006 Diet and you

A Variety Of Indian Dishes

What our diet says about us. Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a pe …

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015 Advertising

A Seleciton Of Colourful Magazines

How important are images in advertising? Advertisements online are very often accompanied by pictures …

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016 Home ownership

A New Homeowner Receiving Keys

Is it better to rent or buy a home? In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is …

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017 Gender equality

Two People Holding Banknotes

Have we really achieved gender equality? The position of women had changed a great deal in many socie …

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027 Gap year benefits

A Climber Resting On A Mountain Peak

What are the benefits of taking a gap year? Many young people choose to take a year out between finishin …

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