030 Alternative medicine

A Medicine Bottle Spilling Pills On A White Surface


Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Model Answer

Since the Covid pandemic, there has been renewed interest in natural remedies and other treatments outside the medical mainstream. Some people believe that this is a long overdue democratisation of medical science. However, I believe alternative medicine is harmful to public health as it is not supported by scientific evidence.

There is little evidence supporting the efficacy of alternative medicine. In fact, alternative medicine is often identical to that practised hundreds of years ago. It is worth remembering that until relatively recently, the medical profession killed more people than it cured. Modern scientific breakthroughs such as antibiotics, vaccines and synthetic insulin mean that we can effectively treat many common illnesses for the first time. In contrast to alternative medicine, these have been proven to be effective in countless medical trials.

As well as being ineffectual, alternative medicine damages people's trust in regular medicine. Practitioners of alternative medicine often spread false pseudoscientific theories that are antithetical to established science. This creates confusion regarding conventional treatments such as vaccinations. Some parents refuse to get their children vaccinated because they falsely believe that the jabs contain toxic or harmful material. Other people delay getting treatment whilst they experiment with alternative therapies. These delays can eventually cost people their lives. Alternative medicine is dangerous because it means that people are less likely to get the proper treatment at the correct time.

Overall, I think people should be encouraged to visit their local doctor when ill. It is important that we have faith in conventional treatments, as these are the ones that have the best patient outcomes.

(263 words)

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