045 Ambitious kids

An Attentive Child At A School Desk


In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

Model Answer

In the UK, many politicians promote the idea of social mobility. That is to say, anyone can be successful regardless of their upbringing. However, some people believe that this sets poorer children up for failure because it ignores the many obstacles that they face. I believe that we need to be realistic in what we tell children, as the class system in the UK means it is much easier for some to be successful than others.

It is true that a country's education system should be supportive of a child's ambitions. Often, when considering their future career, children will limit themselves to the jobs they see their friends and family doing. If she does not know anyone who has attended university, a child may view a career as a scientist as unrealistic. An advantage of instilling a child with belief is that they might achieve more than they thought possible.

Unfortunately, though, we do not live in a meritocratic society. Many doors are closed to those who are not born into money. Elite fee-paying schools still send a disproportionate number of students to top universities. Graduates from these universities then fill the top positions in many organisations, thereby perpetuating a system of inequality. If we tell children that they can achieve anything, we are ignoring the problems with society that prevent this from being true.

In conclusion, while there are advantages to encouraging a child to work hard, we also need to face up to the reality that some children will not be fully rewarded for their efforts.

(261 words)

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