020 Architecture

A Cityscape Of Skyscrapers


When designing a building, the most important factor is the intended use of the building rather than its outward appearance. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

Most people in the world live in cities and, as a result, are surrounded by architecture most of the time. It is worth considering, then, whether aesthetics or functionality is more important when designing a building. In my opinion, architecture is a form of artistic expression and therefore, appearance should sometimes be placed above function.

When asked to name their favourite building, most people would mention an iconic structure such as the Eiffel Tower or the Empire State Building. These are famous not because they perform their function especially well, but because of their striking appearance. The architects of these buildings have somehow captured the essence of the age, which is why they are held in such high regard today. The world would be a poorer place if the architect's artistic imagination had been constrained by purely practical considerations.

In making the case for aesthetics, I am talking about a small number of exceptional buildings that come to define a city. For the majority of buildings, such as apartment blocks or car parks, functionality is more important. Few of these buildings are remembered for very long. What is important is whether they fulfil their purpose at an appropriate cost. Nobody wants to live in an ugly city, so appearance should still be taken into account; however for these types of building, it is a secondary consideration.

In conclusion, whether form or function is more important depends on the type of building that is being built. For a small number of iconic buildings, beauty should be the key criterion.

(259 words)

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