031 Bad situations

A Bored Male Office Worker


Some people believe that it is best to accept a bad situation, such as an unsatisfactory job or shortage of money. Others argue that it is better to try and improve such situations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer

Most people have experienced a difficult situation at some point in their life, for example problems related to money, family, study or even romance. At these times we are faced with a dilemma; we can either resign ourselves to the situation or fight to change it. Which of these we choose, I believe, depends upon how permanent the situation is.

Some difficult situations are likely to persist for a long time no matter what we try to do. In these situations, it is better to accept whatever hardship we face rather than chase false hope. For example, many people each year are diagnosed with an incurable chronic illness. It may be tempting to try and look for a miracle cure, but in most cases it is better to adapt to the changed circumstances. Only by embracing the new reality, can we live our best lives.

On the other hand, some situations are more amenable to change and your efforts to improve your life are likely to be rewarded. An individual has to weigh the hard work required against the likelihood of success. For example, for a person stuck in a dead end job, it is often a good idea to retrain in another field. Although this would involve a lot of hard work, it is better than accepting the bad situation. The hard work involved will result in a higher salary and better prospects.

In conclusion, when deciding whether to accept a difficult situation, we need to take into account whether our efforts are likely to meet with success or failure.

(261 words)

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