076 Clothing complaint

A Woman Holding The Label Of A Dress Which She Is Taking From A Cardboard Box


You have bought some clothing online and are not satisfied with your purchase. Write a letter to the company that you bought the clothing from. In your email - give details of the purchase, describe the problem, explain why you need a replacement urgently.

Model Answer

Dear Sir or Madam,

I recently bought a summer cotton dress from your website (please see the attached purchase order). The dress has an oriental design with several Chinese characters printed on it.

I was happy with my purchase until a Chinese friend visited me earlier this week. You can imagine my surprise when she told me the incredibly vulgar meaning of the Chinese characters. I will not repeat the translation here, but suffice it to say I can no longer wear the dress in public.

I believe your company should have checked the meaning of the design more carefully before making it available to the public. This incident has caused me a great deal of distress and embarrassment. I would like a full refund for the item and an assurance that your company will check the other designs in your catalogue for similar inappropriate language.

I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.


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