094 Dangerous situations

A Man With A Broken Leg Using Crutches To Help Lift Himself From The Sofa


You have noticed some students from your college engaging in a dangerous activity outside the college grounds. Write a letter to the principal of your college. In your letter - describe what the activity is, explain why you think it is dangerous, and suggest what can be done to address the situation.

Model Answer

Dear Principal,

I am writing to bring your attention to a potentially life-threatening situation that I witnessed yesterday. As you are aware, it has been snowing heavily recently, and much of the area outside the college is iced over. At around 4 pm yesterday afternoon, I saw a group of students using the ramp leading to the main entrance as an improvised slide.

This is dangerous not only because students could fall and break a limb but also because of the proximity of the main road. On a number of occasions, I saw students skidding out of control and almost careering into the road and oncoming traffic.

I would strongly recommend that someone from the school's maintenance team apply some salt to the ramp so that it can no longer be used in this way. If this is not done, it is only a matter of time before someone has a serious accident.

Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

(163 words)

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