006 Diet and you

A Variety Of Indian Dishes


Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's culture and character from the food they typically eat. Do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

No two people have the same eating habits. This might be due to differences in age, nationality, gender or other characteristics. As one's diet is something so personal, some people believe it speaks to an individual's background and personality. I believe that our culture does influence what we eat, but I do not think it tells us much about a person's character.

It is no secret that people from different parts of the world eat different food. Everyone needs to eat carbs to give them energy but depending on where you come from this might be rice, potatoes, cornmeal, grain or something else. These food choices become fixed in childhood, and very few people abandon them completely. If you were able to examine a person's monthly shopping, you could probably make a fairly accurate guess about their nationality.

Guessing someone's personality from their shopping would be a lot more difficult, though. Personally, my eating habits change according to my personal circumstances. If I happen to have a lot of free time, then I might cook a lot of meals from scratch. If I am under a lot of pressure at work, then I am likely to eat more fast food. So, I do not think eating ready-made meals indicates that a person is lazy, as you do not have a complete picture of the individual.

In conclusion, I think we can use someone's diet to draw conclusions about their cultural background with relative confidence, but we have to be a lot more careful when considering someone's personality.

(265 words)

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