050 Gender balance

University Students Working At A Laptop


Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

On some university courses men outnumber women by as much as ten to one. This has historically been the case for many science and technology subjects. To counter this inequality, it has been suggested that universities should ensure an equal split of men and women on each course. I agree with this proposal because universities would produce better research if men and women had equal representation.

There are good academic reasons why courses should consist of an equal number of men and women. It is a way of ensuring that research is not biased in favour of one or other gender. For example, medicine is a male dominated discipline and as a result more funding is given to male medical problems than those affecting women. This is not just a feminist issue, however, as there are some areas in which women are over represented, such as primary education. By excluding one gender or another in whatever area, we risk limiting the range of opinions that are discussed.

Radical action on the issue is now necessary because previous attempts to promote gender parity have largely failed. For instance, publicity campaigns involving prominent female scientists have not had the desired result of boosting female participation in STEM subjects. Legislating for an equal number of male and female students in every classroom would quickly address the problem of gender inequality in higher education.

In conclusion, gender inequality damages the quality of research undertaken at university. The most effective solution to this problem is via the university admissions process.

(255 words)

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