021 Good citizens

A Pensioner Being Helped From His Car


Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both of these views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer

Everyone agrees that children should be raised to be good members of society; it is less clear whose responsibility it is to teach them such values. Is it the job of the parents or the education system? Personally, I am in favour of schools teaching citizenship because then each child will have a similar concept of what it means to be a good citizen.

It is undoubtedly true that parents are very influential in a child's life. From the youngest age, children look to their parents as role models of acceptable behaviour. By setting a good example, parents can raise children in their own image as good citizens. It has been shown that children who grow up in households in which conflicts are resolved through discussion are less likely to commit domestic violence in later life. This is just one way in which parents can inculcate their children with strong moral values.

However, not all children are lucky enough to have good role models for parents. This, for me, is reason enough to place moral education in the hands of the state. If citizenship is included in the national curriculum, then children up and down the country are not only guaranteed to get a good education but are also more likely to share similar values. This will create a more harmonious society than if it were left in the hands of the parents.

In conclusion, while parents undoubtedly play a crucial role in educating their children, it is schools that bear the primary responsibility for shaping them into good citizens.

(261 words)

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