033 Musical benefits

Teenagers At A Music Festival


Some people say that music is a good way of bringing people of different cultures and ages together. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Model Answer

Regardless of age or nationality, people around the world enjoy listening to music. Because of its universal appeal, it is often said music has a unique power to unite people. I agree with this to some extent but feel that people of different ages often have very different tastes in music.

One of the easiest ways to get to know a foreign culture is listening to its music. The advantage music has over other methods of cultural transmission, such as literature and television, is that you do not need any linguistic knowledge to enjoy it. Even without knowing the language, you can listen to a pop song from another country and understand something of the culture that produced it. This often makes people curious to discover more about a country. For example, the popularity of K-pop has led many people to become interested in wider Korean culture. This is one way that music unites people.

Music is perhaps less successful at bringing people of different ages together. People often have an emotional attachment to the music they grew up with, so find it hard to judge more contemporary songs on their own merits. New music can even be viewed as a corrupting influence, as was the case with the emergence of rock and roll. Music can therefore often divide different generations as much as it unites them.

In conclusion, although I believe that pop songs can bring people of different cultures together, it is also true that old people find it hard to appreciate modern music.

(257 words)

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