023 Nature versus nurture

Chilidren With A Model Of Dna


Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence.

Model Answer

Every so often, it is reported that scientists have linked a new gene to a particular human behavior, for example, shyness or extroversion. As a result, some people say that nature is more important than nurture in governing how we behave. However, I believe that genetics alone cannot explain our personal characteristics, and that our upbringing is equally important.

It is common for people to say they inherited a particular trait from one of their parents. Until recently, it had been impossible to test this hypothesis scientifically, but advances in neuroscience mean there is now strong evidence connecting behavior and genetics. Thanks to modern brain scanning technology, scientists can predict someone's personality based upon an analysis of the structure of their brain. As people with similar DNA also have similar brains, this supports the role of genetics in human behavior.

Nonetheless, many scientists are quick to point out that our environment also plays an important role in our development. Factors such as diet, stimulation, sleep, and exercise all affect the way connections are formed in our brain. It is too simplistic to say that genes determine the way we behave. Having a gene that has been associated with shyness does not mean that you will necessarily be shy. Whether this gene is activated or not will depend on one or more of the factors listed above.

In conclusion, although scientists have a greater understanding of the way some genes influence our behavior, I believe it is still too early to say whether it is genetics or our environment that plays the dominant role.

(264 words)

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