025 Noise complaint

An Angry Woman Holding Pillows To Her Ears


Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain about the noise from your house / flat. Write a letter to your neighbours. In your letter - explain the reasons for the noise, apologise, describe what action you will take.

Model Answer

Dear Neighbour,

I got the note that you slipped under the door the other day, and I just wanted to start by saying how sorry I am that the recent building work has disturbed you.

I am not sure whether you have heard, but my mother recently had a fall at her home, and we have decided that it would be best if she came and lived with me. Before she arrives, we need to make a few changes to the house in order to accommodate her, so we have been doing some renovations.

I understand how this could be a problem, as you are now working from home. I will stop work on the project for now, and maybe we can meet some time this week to organise a schedule.

My mother is being discharged from the hospital on the 15th, so I will need to have completed the work by then. Let me know when is a good time for a chat.

Apologies again,

(166 words)

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