056 Obesity crisis

A Man Eating Pizza On A Sofa


In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

Model Answer

People today are heavier than in the past and are more likely to suffer health problems such as diabetes. I believe that it is an important issue, and the government should take urgent action. In my opinion, the root cause is that people no longer have time to take care of themselves. If people had more free time, they would be able to focus more on exercise and nutrition.

The main cause of the obesity epidemic is that people do not have time to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Cooking food using natural ingredients is time-consuming as you have to prepare everything from scratch. In contrast, unhealthy processed food can be cooked in an instant. Therefore, the busier people are, the heavier they become. Similarly, with exercise, people need time to play sports or go to the gym. People who work long hours are likely to do less exercise as a result.

The easiest way to tackle the problem is to increase the amount of free time that people have. The government should bring in regulations to limit the number of hours that people are allowed to work. There should also be laws that prevent companies from contacting their employees outside of office hours. This would give people the time they need to stay fit and healthy. France, which already has such laws, has less of an obesity problem than many other European countries.

In conclusion, although it is a complex issue, I believe the root cause of the current health crisis is a lack of free time. The first step to solving the problem would be government legislation.

(269 words)

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