007 Parenting

A Parent And A Childs Hands


Some people think parents are responsible for teaching children how to behave. Others think the main responsibility lies with schools and the education system. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

Model Answer

In order for society to function, people need to agree on the boundaries of acceptable behaviour. This knowledge is not innate and needs to be learned when we are young. It is open to debate whether parents or the school system are primarily responsible for this process. I personally believe that the education system plays the more significant role.

Many child psychiatrists believe that the pivotal years in a child's upbringing are the ones up until the age of five. If a child feels loved during this period, then they are usually able to manage their emotions and behave appropriately in most situations. In contrast, children who are neglected may behave badly in an attempt to get the attention that they crave. In this way, parents shape a child's behaviour, whether intentionally or not.

As most children are not neglected, however, I would argue the socialisation which takes place at school is more important. Children spend most of the day at school mixing with upwards of thirty other children. It is here that they learn their actions have consequences. For example, if we behave badly to another child, then they will no longer want to play with us. It is through interactions such as this that our personalities are formed, and we hopefully become compassionate, well-adapted individuals with a full repertoire of social skills.

Overall, I would argue that while parents undoubtedly play a key role in a child's development, providing a child is not neglected, it is the education system that mostly determines a child's behaviour.

(262 words)

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