060 Private tuition

A Tutor And A Teenage Male Student


Some parents believe that extra lessons outside school hours, where students work alone with a teacher, can help them do better at school. Others disagree. What are the advantages and disadvantages of private tuition?

Model Answer

As entry to many universities is becoming increasingly competitive, it's understandable that parents would want to maximize their child's performance at school. One approach to achieving this is by hiring a private tutor. Nevertheless, the benefits of private classes are subject to debate. Personally, I believe they can be useful, but primarily for a select group of students.

It is arguable that students benefit most from one-to-one tuition when they need remedial help in a particular subject area. In mathematics for example, if a student fails to grasp a key concept, it can have far reaching consequences. There is the danger that a student will fall further and further behind. Under these circumstances, a private teacher could help a student by offering personalised lessons tailored to the gaps in their knowledge. This would enable the student to catch up to their classmates and perform better at school.

More generally though, I believe in the absence of a specific need, children should not be burdened with the extra work of private tuition. Children already attend school for up to thirty five hours a week. If they routinely have to attend extra classes in addition to this, they may become overworked and resentful. Children do best at school when they are happy. Without enough time to relax, they are unlikely to achieve their full academic potential.

In conclusion, private tutors have their benefits but they are not the panacea that some parents believe them to be. In order to do well at school, children need free time in which to relax.

(263 words)

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