049 Rural flight

A Man Next To A For Sale Sign On A Farm


In many countries around the world, rural people are moving to cities, so the population in the countryside is decreasing. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Model Answer

Increasingly, people are choosing to live in large cities rather than the relative peace and quiet of the countryside. In most countries, the majority of people now live in an urban environment. Some people feel that this trend is causing problems for society. In my opinion, however, urbanization is something to be welcomed, not least because it helps create a more progressive society.

Some people say that people moving from the countryside means the rural way of life is in danger of dying out. It is true that life in the countryside has changed a great deal in the last fifty years. One significant change is that many local festivals are no longer celebrated. Without enough people to maintain them, these traditional celebrations risk being lost forever. While I think this is certainly a shame, I would argue that their loss needs to be balanced against the benefits of urbanization.

Urbanization should be encouraged because city dwellers tend to be more tolerant of people of different races, religions, and nationalities. Cities are a melting pot of people from diverse backgrounds, which results in more interaction between different types of people. Studies have shown that this prevents people from believing negative stereotypes about minority groups. For example, acceptance of the LGBT+ community is generally more common in big cities, where gay people are more visible than in smaller villages.

In conclusion, while there are some negative aspects to people moving to the big cities, I think overall we should celebrate the way in which it brings diverse people together.

(258 words)

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