039 Self study

A Woman Working From Home At A Laptop


A huge number of students choose to study English independently on a self-study basis rather than attend a formal course. However, without the assistance of a teacher, students often find it difficult to manage their studies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

There are many more opportunities for self-study now than in the past, such as online newspapers, translation tools and youTube tutorials. Despite this, some people argue that it is still best to have a teacher to guide your studies. Personally, I do not believe that a teacher is strictly necessary but it really depends upon the situation.

Many language learners do not need a teacher as they already know their own strengths and weaknesses. The nature of languages means that it is often very obvious when you do not understand something. For example, if someone cannot follow a business presentation at work, they are usually acutely aware of the problem. As a result, the individual may be able to find their own study materials online without the need to consult a teacher. They know the requirements of their particular situation.

Not all students though possess the ability to direct their own language learning. This is especially true when learners are not sure of the scope of the task ahead of them. For example, a student who is about to start a business degree at an English speaking university may be in the dark about what the course entails. In these circumstances, a teacher can give a broad outline of the necessary skills as well as identifying resources that are available online to help.

In conclusion, there are cases when both self-study or guidance from a teacher are appropriate. However due to advances in technology, students today are generally less reliant upon formal instruction.

(255 words)

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