036 Species loss

An Orangutan In A Lush Rainforest


Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer

Scientists have estimated that there are thousands of species of flora and fauna that go extinct each year. Due to the rate at which this is happening, some people believe that this is the most serious environmental threat we currently face. Personally, while I agree that it is a very serious issue, I feel that other problems such as climate change have a greater impact overall.

Loss of species is an important environmental problem. The disappearance of one species in itself is a tragedy, but it can also have serious consequences for the wider eco-system. Animals form part of a food chain in which they either eat or are eaten by other animals. Removing one link in the chain can have a negative impact on other species. For example, if an apex predator such as a shark goes extinct then the population of other species can grow to unsustainable levels. Similarly, if a plant goes extinct, this affects pollinator species that rely upon that plant for food.

However it could be argued that global heating is a more serious threat to humanity. Global heating is not only a leading cause of extinction events mentioned above, but will likely contribute to many millions of deaths in the medium term. Rising temperatures are already causing more frequent extreme weather events such as hurricanes. The impact of these are particularly severe in the developing world, resulting in significant displacement and loss of life among vulnerable populations.

In conclusion, animal and plant species dying out is a serious problem but climate change is likely to have a deadlier effect.

(266 words)

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