062 Staff shortages

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In many countries there is a shortage of suitable people for essential jobs. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures can be taken to solve it?

Model Answer

For developing nations, staff shortages often result from skilled professionals migrating to wealthier countries. This can significantly impact a country's development, particularly in fields such as medicine and engineering. In labour-exporting countries like the Philippines, many essential positions in these industries can remain unfilled for long periods.

Staff shortages in developing countries are caused by both underlying demographic changes and more immediate financial concerns. On a basic level, many people migrate to improve their quality of life. Wealthier countries offer higher salaries, better infrastructure, and more attractive career opportunities. On a deeper level, falling birth rates in developed countries are creating gaps in domestic labour markets, thereby increasing demand for workers from other nations. Greater global connectivity also facilitates the movement of people across borders.

While it would be difficult to prevent economic migration altogether, some measures could mitigate the damage done to poorer countries. Firstly, a cap should be placed on the number of skilled workers who can enter a country from less developed nations. This would ensure that some professionals remain in their home countries. Additionally, labour-importing countries should compensate the countries from which they receive workers. This compensation could then be reinvested in training the next generation of doctors and nurses.

In conclusion, there are manifold causes to the problem of economic migration. However, as the movement of labour benefits richer nations, it is incumbent upon them to take action to reduce the negative impact on developing countries. By implementing fair and supportive policies, wealthier nations can help create a more balanced global workforce, fostering sustainable development for all.

(265 words)

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