070 Success defined

Three Climbers Reaching A Mountain Peak


Success is often measured by wealth and material belongings. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a person successful?

Model Answer

The word 'successful' is often attached to athletes, businessmen, musicians, and others. However, it is not only famous people who endeavour to be successful. Most of us are working towards our own personal goals in life. As the desire for success is so universal, it is natural to ask what the definition of it is and how it can be quantified.

Having great wealth is often equated with being successful. This is despite the fact that most people will never be rich. If money were essential to being successful, then only a small number of people would qualify as successful. This is one reason why material wealth is a poor way of measuring success. Another reason is that many people's goal in life is something other than money or possessions. For example, many people are motivated by goals related to art, sports, family, or any number of other fields.

In my opinion, a successful person is one who sets personal goals for themselves and then strives to achieve them. For example, a person may decide that they want to be a published author. This would involve a lot of hard work polishing their craft and becoming a better writer. I feel that someone who is engaged in this struggle and getting closer to their goal can be considered a success, regardless of whether or not they eventually fulfill their ambition.

In conclusion, there is more than one way to achieve success. For some people, it will be through the amassing of material possessions, but for most, success will be measured against the attainment of more personal goals.

(268 words)

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