071 Surprise party

A Woman About To Be Surprised At A Surprise Party


The parents of your Australian friend Chris have invited you to surprise birthday party for him/her. Write a letter to Chris's parents. In your letter - say why you think Chris will enjoy the surprise party, explain why you won't be able to attend the party, give details of a plan to see Chris at a different time.

Model Answer

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Gutiérrez,

Thank you so much for the invitation to Chris's surprise birthday party on the 19th. It was thoughtful of you to include me, especially considering I haven't visited much since starting my new job.

I ran into Chris in town last week, and he mentioned how much he misses his cousins from Perth. I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time catching up with everyone.

I would love to attend, but unfortunately, I will be traveling for work that week. I won't be back in Sydney until around the 21st or the 22nd.

I'll make sure to schedule a visit with you all later in the month though. In fact, Chris and I have tickets for the Tigers game on the 29th, so I'll be able to wish him a happy birthday then.

All the best, and I'm looking forward to seeing the photos from what's bound to be a fantastic evening,

(166 words)

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