048 Talent

A Young Girl Playing An Upright Piano


It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Model Answer

It is undoubtedly true that some people appear to have a natural ability in a particular area. There are many videos available online of children performing prodigious feats in areas such as music, mathematics, or gymnastics. The extent to which this is due to hard work or talent is disputed, however. It is my opinion that hard work can never completely compensate for a lack of talent.

Most people who are considered talented discover their special abilities at a young age. They learn a particular skill more quickly and more fully than those of a similar age. Within a few short years, they might become adept at playing the violin with a virtuosity that few could hope to match. That these talents often run in the family would appear to support the idea that talent is something that you are born with.

On the other hand, dedication is also required to become proficient at something. In fact, with the correct teacher and enough practice, most children can acquire a new skill. What is required is sufficient motivation for the child to persevere in their endeavours. In some fields, such as languages, this is enough to become the equal of someone born with natural talents. I would argue, however, that in music, a talented individual who works equally hard will always have the edge. There is something that sets apart the very best that cannot be taught, no matter how great the teacher.

In conclusion, almost anyone can become good at sports or music, but it requires certain gifts to become exceptional.

(261 words)

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