061 Teenage jobs

A Young Supermarket Cashier At The Checkout


In many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Model Answer

Many countries limit the number of hours that children can work. However, some people believe that these protections do not go far enough and that child labour of any kind should be prohibited. Personally, I do not agree with this view and feel that children can gain valuable life experience by working a part-time job.

Some people argue that teenagers should focus on academic study rather than waste their time and energy doing relatively low paid jobs. Certainly in financial terms, it makes much more sense to concentrate on your grades at school. Doing well at school will increase the amount you earn over your career. Whereas delivering newspapers as a teenager will earn you very little, especially as a proportion of your overall earnings.

The opposing argument is that the benefits of having a part-time job are not purely financial. In my opinion, getting a job at a young age can help prepare you for adult life. Even the lowest paid job can teach you valuable life skills such as the need for punctuality or the importance of getting along with your colleagues. Teenagers who have some experience of working life will have a head start on those who have only focused on their academic career.

In conclusion, I believe it would be a mistake to prevent children from having a part-time job. Providing you do not neglect your studies, there are numerous benefits to working at a young age. At the very least, it makes you aware of the responsibilities you will face when you are older.

(262 words)

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