018 The Internet

Various Apps On A Laptop


Some today argue that schools are no longer necessary because children can learn so much from the internet and be educated at home. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

Nowadays, you can find the answer to just about any question on the internet within a couple of seconds. In this context, it's natural to wonder whether going to school will soon become a thing of the past. I believe, however, that education is about more than just acquiring information and that, therefore, schools are still essential.

Learning facts is important, but there are many other reasons for attending classes each day. School teaches us how to navigate complex social relationships, a skill we need to function in society. The social aspect of school is difficult to replicate in an online environment. For example, if you have an argument with a friend online, it's easy to turn off the computer and leave the situation unresolved. In contrast, being in a physical classroom encourages you to resolve your differences sooner rather than later.

Another limitation of remote learning is that much of the information on the internet is unreliable. There are many types of false information, such as political propaganda, satirical sites, and misleading advertising. Even adults often struggle to decide which websites to trust. For children to learn effectively, they need guidance from someone who can help them make sense of conflicting information online. This is best achieved in a traditional classroom, where teachers use carefully selected materials, such as age-appropriate coursebooks, and limit exposure to misinformation. Furthermore, teachers are able to respond to children's questions with answers that match their level of maturity.

In conclusion, schools continue to play an important role in education, offering a place where children can develop social skills and receive accurate, age-appropriate information.

(274 words)

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