010 Tourism impact

Plastic Waste On The Beach


Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries and contributes a great deal to economies around the world. However, the damage tourism can cause to local cultures and the environment is often ignored. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Model Answer

As more people can afford to travel, popular tourist destinations are facing ever increasing numbers of visitors. Some people believe not enough attention is paid to the problems that this can cause. It seems to me however that authorities are starting to take action to limit the damage.

There are a number of ways that tourists can be problematic. One of the most obvious is by generating a substantial amount of trash that needs to be disposed of. Plastic bottles, food wrappers and discarded bags are now a common site on many once pristine beaches. Not only does this rubbish ruin the attractiveness of the beach, it is also a threat to marine life and other animals. Tourists also negatively impact the local residents. Many local people have been priced out of the housing market by the sudden popularity of short-term rental properties.

This damage to both local culture and ecology has not gone unnoticed however. Thai authorities have limited tourists from visiting a number of beaches and turned some of the worst affected areas into nature reserves. Furthermore, the regional government of Barcelona has recently introduced strict laws which prohibit the use of apartment buildings as holiday accommodation. These measures show that there is growing recognition that a balance needs to be struck between the financial benefits of tourism and the inevitable pressure it places on the local infrastructure.

In conclusion, many cities around the world already see their popularity with tourists as a mixed blessing. As a result, local authorities are likely to continue to enact legislation to deal with the problems caused by booming visitor numbers.

(270 words)

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