072 Urban congestion

An Overcrowded Apartment Building


Overpopulation is a major problem in many urban centers around the world. What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved?

Model Answer

A greater proportion of people now live in cities than ever before. People are increasingly abandoning country life to live in large conurbations. As cities become more crowded, many people believe that urbanization is unsustainable. I believe the government needs to make rural life more attractive to solve urban overpopulation.

The main reason for overcrowded cities is the movement of people from the countryside to urban centers. It is easy to understand why people might want to live in large cities. Cities typically have more job opportunities than the surrounding area. Therefore, they attract people who want to advance their careers. In addition, cities have other attractions such as interesting nightlife, entertainment, cultural events, and diverse culinary experiences.

There is no easy way to prevent people from relocating to bigger cities. Nonetheless, there are some steps the government could take to mitigate the problem. The first of these is to increase job opportunities in rural areas. Thankfully, this task is made easier by the recent popularity of remote working. For remote working to be feasible, the government needs to ensure a fast internet connection is available throughout the country. Secondly, the government needs to improve transportation connections between rural and urban areas. If people were more easily able to travel into cities for entertainment, then they would be less likely to move there permanently.

In conclusion, the problem of urban overpopulation is likely to persist for some time, but the government can start to tackle the problem by improving the country's infrastructure, namely the internet and transportation network.

(259 words)

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