055 Working online

Commuters Walking To Work In The Morning


Recently, the number of people working from home has increased. Do you believe the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

Model Answer

Many people started working remotely because of the pandemic, and even though it is now over, most are reluctant to go back to the office. It is not yet clear what the consequences of this change in working patterns will be. Personally, I think that it is a positive development as working from home gives people more control over their lives.

A common argument against working from home is that it can damage a person's mental health. Despite communicating with colleagues over Zoom, remote workers often find it difficult to build meaningful relationships with colleagues, especially ones they have never met in real life. It is easy to see how people might become depressed if they are deprived of real world interactions.

Not everyone's mental health is affected in this way however. In fact, surveys show that most employees prefer working from home. One reason is that they no longer face a long commute to work and so are able to spend more time with their families. Working from home also allows employees to fit their working day around other responsibilities such as childcare or housework. Arguably, the new system favours employers as well. People working from home are less likely to get distracted by office chit chat and are more productive as a result.

In conclusion, while working from home does not suit everyone, recent changes in working practices have had a positive effect. Employees are able to manage their time better and employers benefit from increased productivity.

(251 words)

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