032 Comfort zone

A Tandem Skydive

Should you step outside your comfort zone? Some people like to try new things, for example, places to v …

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034 Kids' free time

Happy Children Standing Arm In Arm

Do children have too much free time? Some people believe that children are given too much free ti …

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038 Expensive clothes

A Woman Looking At A Price Label On A Clothes Rack

Are cheap clothes a waste of money? It is better to buy just a few expensive clothes, rather tha …

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039 Self study

A Woman Working From Home At A Laptop

Are language teachers necessary? A huge number of students choose to study English independen …

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040 Shopping trends

A Young Family In A Modern Mall

Is the popularity of supermarkets sustainable? Many cities around the world have seen an explosion in the n …

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045 Ambitious kids

An Attentive Child At A School Desk

Should children be encouraged to be ambitious? In some cultures, children are often told that they can achi …

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