030 Alternative medicine

A Medicine Bottle Spilling Pills On A White Surface

The pros and cons of alternative medicine. Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems ar …

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029 Hotel complaint

A Man Complaining At Hotel Reception

A complaint about a hotel stay. You recently spent a night in a hotel and had to put up with …

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028 Language learning

A Language Teacher At A Whiteboard

Pie charts on education. The charts below show the proportions of British students at …

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027 Gap year benefits

A Climber Resting On A Mountain Peak

What are the benefits of taking a gap year? Many young people choose to take a year out between finishin …

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026 Online interaction

Parents And A Young Children Looking At Their Phones During Meal Time

Is technology changing how we interact? Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has ch …

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025 Noise complaint

An Angry Woman Holding Pillows To Her Ears

An complaint from a neighbour. Your neighbours have recently written to you to complain abo …

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023 Nature versus nurture

Chilidren With A Model Of Dna

Which is more important - nature or nurture? Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with …

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022 GM Foods

A Selection Of Healthy Food

The pros and cons of GM Foods. With a growing population, many people believe that we shoul …

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021 Good citizens

A Pensioner Being Helped From His Car

How do we become good citizens? Some people think that parents should teach children how to …

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020 Architecture

A Cityscape Of Skyscrapers

Should buildings be beautiful or practical? When designing a building, the most important factor is the …

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019 Scientific aims

Two Scientists Looking At A Computer Screen

Is there a place for theoretical science? The most important aim of science should be to improve peopl …

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