054 Grey tsunami

Four Elderly Men Playing Cards

Is it good that people are living longer? In many countries, people are living longer than ever before …

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053 Lost property

A Discarded Cap

A request regarding lost property. You recently attended a meeting at a hotel. When you returne …

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052 Sporting salaries

A Sprinter Leaving The Blocks

Are sports stars salaries justifiable? Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more m …

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051 Air travel

A Jumbo Jet In Flight

Should air travel be restricted? Some people believe that air travel should be restricted bec …

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050 Gender balance

University Students Working At A Laptop

Should classes be a balance of both genders? Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female …

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049 Rural flight

A Man Next To A For Sale Sign On A Farm

Should we be worried about urbanisation? In many countries around the world, rural people are moving …

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048 Talent

A Young Girl Playing An Upright Piano

How important is talent to being successful? It is generally believed that some people are born with cert …

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047 Online media

A Printing Press In Action

Is the future of print digital? In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books b …

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046 Gig economy

A Man Delivering Pizza

Why are people choosing to be self-employed? Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than …

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045 Ambitious kids

An Attentive Child At A School Desk

Should children be encouraged to be ambitious? In some cultures, children are often told that they can achi …

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044 Animal welfare

An Injured Dog In A Pet Carrier

Is animal suffering ever justified? Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings u …

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043 Coffee drinking

A Cup Of Coffee Decorated With An Arrow Design

A line graph showing coffee consumption. The graph below shows that average coffee consumption per pe …

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